Children heading back to school in California constitutes an exciting and hectic process. School schedules, practices and appointments, along with your own busy life may leave you relying on your ex-spouse often. To have a successful beginning of the school year, you may want to utilize specific tips. Your joint custody arrangement allows you to share time with your children … Read More
How to prepare financially for a divorce
Deciding you want a divorce does not necessarily mean you feel nothing for your soon-to-be ex. As you move through the process, you will likely experience sadness, frustration and anger. Everything you shared now needs to be split, including real estate, vehicles, furniture and money. Many of these decisions may be difficult to make. However, preparing financially can reduce your … Read More
Things to consider when creating a child custody arrangement
When you are a parent going through a divorce, you are likely worried how this will affect your children. Maybe you and your soon-to-be ex have a great relationship, or maybe the split was contentious. Either way, dividing custody can be difficult. You both want to protect the children, but you may have different ideas about what that means. … Read More